Derived from German vet checked and certified cattle - Type I & III collagen.
One of the many health benefits of Collagen is its ability to strengthen skin, hair and nails. Gelatin is the cooked or broken-down form of Collagen. Collagen is the protein essential for supporting the integrity of the skin. It tightens the skin and is anti-aging. ‘Skin’ is a pure collagen protein with extremely low mineral content and is free from fat, dietary fibres, cholesterol, carbs, nuts, eggs, GMO and more.
Hydrolysed Collagen & Skin
Your skin health and its appearance will (unfortunately) show its ageing maturity. Loss of elasticity will be one of the first things to indicate that you are not superman, but a normal human gracefully ageing. The loss of skin elasticity is a given as Collagen production begins to slow in our bodies from the age of 40.