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Astra 8 Immune Tonic

by Fusion

Fusion Astra 8 Immune Tonic

Fusion Astra 8 is traditionally taken in Chinese medicine to enhance immune defenses and to help decrease the frequency of common colds.

  • Fusion Astra 8 contains eight Chinese herbs, including astragalus, which is traditionally taken as an immune tonic to enhance immunity in both traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western herbal medicine
  • In Western herbal medicine, astragalus is traditionally taken to stimulate healthy immune system responses and support the immune system in fighting illness
  • In TCM, astragalus is traditionally used to help reduce the frequency of common colds
  • Astragalus is also traditionally taken to increase vitality, help the body cope with stress, and as a strengthening restorative tonic for the life force energy called Qi in TCM

How it works
Astragalus: traditionally used to improve immune defences in Chinese medicine
Fusion Health Astra 8 features astragalus, a highly valued and important immune tonic in both Chinese medicine and Western herbal medicine, where it's used to improve the natural immune defences of the body, enhancing immunity.

In Western herbal medicine, astragalus is traditionally taken to stimulate the body’s immune system responses while at the same time supporting the immune system to fight illness.

Astragalus also decreases the occurrence of common colds, based on its traditional use in TCM.

Feeling depleted?
In Chinese medicine it’s believed that if your levels of Qi(life force energy) are low, you’ll often feel tired, run-down, or susceptible to frequent colds and lacking vitality.

The TCM tonic herb astragalus is traditionally used to not only strengthen immunity, but also to replenish or strengthen Qi.

In Chinese medicine astragalus is also traditionally used to support defensive Qi,a specific form of Qi that is traditionally believed to form part of the body’s immune defences.2

In addition to its Qi-replenishing properties, astragalus is traditionally taken in TCM to increase vitality and help the body adapt to stress.


Hou JP, Jin Y. The healing power of Chinese herbs and medicinal recipes. Routledge, 2005.
Elias J, Ketcham K. Chinese medicine for maximum immunity. Three Rivers Press, 1998.

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, worsen or change unexpectedly, talk to your health professional.

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