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Boost your Natural Test Levels and Maximise your results with Alphaboost by Pharma Chem.

Alphaboost was formulated to drive results while minimising how many products you need, how?

Simple, by combining Proven Key Ingredients all in a delicious, thirst-quenching drink!

With Alphaboost you will not be reading the label and thinking what does all this mean, if you are at all familiar with this category you will see ingredients that have stood against the time and are still the ones asked for daily in stores across the Globe. Why? Because results speak for them self.

Full Description

If you are a little newer to the Gym Game allow me us to enlighten you with a few of the Key ingredients and why you should be supplementing with Alphaboost!

DAA (D-Aspartic Acid): has demonstrated increases in Total Testosterone, luteinizing hormone, progesterone and Growth Hormone.

L-Arginine HCL: May have a positive effect on size and has been hypothesized to improve exercise performance by increasing Insulin Levels and Growth Hormone (GH). It will also improve blood flow throughout your body aiding in Nitric Oxide Activity.

Tong kat Ali: Has been shown to increase testosterone by elevating the production of the Luteinizing Hormone, releasing the rate of ‘‘free’’ Testosterone from its binding hormone, sex – hormone – binding - globulin. (SHBG)

Maca Powder: This is traditionally used for boosting sexual performance and desire. However, Maca Powder has grown in popularity with several studies showing more benefits such as boosting energy and endurance, while also showing improved moods and memory.

3,3 Diindolylmethane (DIM): Dim is derived from Indole-3 Carbinol found naturally in many cruciferous vegetables (Kale, Cauliflower and Broccoli) which we all need more of.

This has been shown to have positive results on Blocking Estrogen effects and lowering your natural levels in your body.

ZMA: Just when you think this formula is jam packed - ZMA pops into the mix.

ZMA is a combination of Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin B6, this has stood the test of time as one of the most popular natural ways to increase muscle growth, strength and endurance, while aiding in recovery and sleep quality.
