Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal by Bob's Red Mill
This irresistible whole grain cereal makes a flavourful and nourishing hot breakfast cereal. Try it topped with brown sugar, cinnamon and coconut milk or cream for a delicious bowl of porridge packed with healthy fats and protein. This unique breakfast cereal is also a good source of fibre!
It’s easy to have hot cereal for breakfast: cook in boiling water with salt for 10 minutes, then top however you wish! Whether you prefer your cereal hot or cold, at Bob’s Red Mill, our breakfast cereals give you the variety and delicious taste you need to start your morning.
Gluten Free
This gluten free product was handled exclusively in our dedicated gluten free facility and tested for gluten free integrity in our quality control laboratory using an ELISA Gluten Assay test.
As a continued commitment to the quality of the products we make and sell, this product has been certified Kosher by OK Kosher Certification of Brooklyn, New York.
Whole Grain
This product is made with nutritious whole grain. Check the Whole Grain Stamp on the package for more information.
All Bob’s Red Mill products are vegetarian. This product is also vegan, meaning it does not include eggs, dairy or honey.